Trans-Boundary Water Governance: An Urgent Need of the Formulation of Pak-Afghan Trans-Border Water Governance Mechanism


  • Zahida Jabeen
  • Muhamad Riaz Shad
  • Jafar Nazir


Trans-boundary watercourses drain larger parts and ensures the flow of fresh waters
in different parts of the world. In trans-boundary watercourses, upper-riparians have
an upper edge to deal with the water resources of the trans-border rivers while the
lower-riparians have a compromising position. Kabul River Basin is one of the major
trans-border water basins which drains the vast areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Recently, uneven weather patterns and climate change worldwide affected the national
economies with an irreparable loss and created survival threat to human beings, and to
other species. Pakistan is considered as one of the most vulnerable countries to face the
impacts of the climate change. Dryness of fresh water resources is one of the impact of
climate change that will ultimately affect the Kabul River along with other rivers of
Pakistan. This study adopted qualitative research methodology by analyzing the
secondary data to address the main research question which revolves around the
adaptation of any formal water sharing mechanism between the two co-riparian
countries. The study concludes that Pakistan should initiate hydro-diplomacy with
Afghanistan, and enter into a formal bilateral trans-border water sharing treaty under
the guidelines of the UN Convention 1997.



How to Cite

Zahida Jabeen, Muhamad Riaz Shad, & Jafar Nazir. (2023). Trans-Boundary Water Governance: An Urgent Need of the Formulation of Pak-Afghan Trans-Border Water Governance Mechanism. ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS), 7(1), 36 - 48. Retrieved from