Post-Cold War Primacy of Geo-Economics: A Raison D’état of Geopolitical Dilemma


  • M. Ajmal Abbasi


Many scholars of the international relations prophesied the post-cold war arena as a
period of geo-economic preeminence, superseding the geopolitically inspired contests
and increasing role of global institutions for maintaining international order. The
presumptions of a decisive transition in the global dynamics, amid rising primacy of
economic statecrafts, has raised new queries regarding the prospective strategic
ambiance in the 21st century. Would there be culmination of geopolitical clashes and
emergence of a global order entirely dominated by various strands of geo-economics?
Would geo-economic means substitute geopolitical instruments or both the
phenomenon are likely to complement each other? And finally, during the interplay of
geopolitics and geo-economics, how would strategic rivalries evolve between the
nation states? More than three decades after the triumph of neo-liberal order, world is
far from peace and the economic coercion from powerful actors has apparently led to a
state of geopolitical dilemma for the targeted states.



How to Cite

M. Ajmal Abbasi. (2024). Post-Cold War Primacy of Geo-Economics: A Raison D’état of Geopolitical Dilemma. ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS), 7(4), 38 - 50. Retrieved from