The Characteristics of the Masculinity and its Role in Women Empowerment in Pakistan


  • Samra Naz
  • Uzma Ashiq Khan
  • Maryam Zafar
  • Maryam Batool


This study aimed to explore masculine characteristics, supportive and unsupportive
roles of males in women empowerment. A qualitative research with a purposive
sampling technique was conducted on 20 married working and non-working female
participants with age range of 18-55 years. Self-developed questionnaire in Urdu
language was used for data collection. Data was gathered through in-depth semistructured interviews. After transcribing interviews, data was analyzed through
thematic analysis. About twenty-four major themes emerged. For father’s role; strong
support system, role model, skill & personality developer, vigilant role in socialization,
supporter in pursuing education, psychological and emotional bonding, health
caregiver, activity and recreation, influential personality, career aspirations. Brother
role is defined as; unconditional supporter, intimate siblings about career building,
positive support in academics, health caregiver, partner in crime, strong
communication. Husband role was categorized as; Intimate partner about family
planning matters, emotional & psychological support, participation in household work,
productive and influential in career development, caring & nurturing attitude about
children, equal decision-maker, benevolent sexism, hostile sexism. It was found that
working and non-working women have more support from their fathers in every aspect
of their life. Brothers have not been playing significant role in non-working female lives.
While husbands are more supportive for female who were career oriented as compared
to housewives.



How to Cite

Samra Naz, Uzma Ashiq Khan, Maryam Zafar, & Maryam Batool. (2022). The Characteristics of the Masculinity and its Role in Women Empowerment in Pakistan. ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS), 6(3), 1 - 19. Retrieved from