Exploring Media Framing and Audience Framing


  • Muhammad Sher Juni
  • Bakht Rawan
  • M. Ashraf Wani


Media framing as theory is used for examining how media influence their audiences in perceiving
events, issues, and problems. The current study has focused on the meta analysis of already
published research work on media framing and audience framing. The present research has
qualitatively evaluated the studies regarding media frames and audience frames. Various studies
have been undertaken to understand how media frame the issues, and how audience frames the
issues. This study investigated different factors that influence the media framing and audience
framing of the same issues. The study of media framing and audience framing has become key focus
in mass communication research. Advancement in communication technologies has facilitated
individuals to verify the mediated world. Media users cannot be ignored in the field of
communication research. It is evident that many factors influence the audience framing of issues.
Audience level factors include pre-existing knowledge, personal experiences, and political
affiliation. While reviewing the existing literature regarding media frames and audience frames, the
present research focuses on media frames and audience frames.



How to Cite

Muhammad Sher Juni, Bakht Rawan, & M. Ashraf Wani. (2021). Exploring Media Framing and Audience Framing. ASIAN Journal of International Peace & Security (AJIPS), 5(1), 110 - 117. Retrieved from http://ajips.fairlips.org/index.php/ajips/article/view/2021-vol-5-exploring-media-framing-and-audience-framing